Our Customs activity is celebrating its first anniversary
15th March 2024

Adrien Drouineau joined the Sogestran Logistics team as Customs Manager in March 2023.
Since then, Sogestran Logistics has been offering customs procedures management for its clients, for goods entering or leaving the European Union.
"After completing customs declarant training (career change) and gaining 6 years of experience, I joined the SOGESTRAN Group in March 2023. A person in apprenticeship works alongside me, and soon a third person will join the team.
We are certified Authorized Economic Operator (AEO), authorized to clear all types of goods through customs.
We are present at the main French seaports: Dunkirk, Le Havre, Montoire, Bassens, Sète, Fos-Marseille, and Nice. We are also present at inland river ports, in connection with our inland waterway transport activity.
What I appreciate about the Sogestran group is the human aspect linked to the group’s family character. It’s also that the group has ambitions and continually progresses.
To be a good customs declarant, one must be rigorous, respectful of rules, up-to-date with the latest regulatory developments, and able to withstand stress!"

Adrien Drouineau, Customs Manager